LinkedIn Lunatics Hall of Shame

Last Updated: May 24, 2024
Date: July 1, 2024
linkedin lunatic

Virtue-signalling linkedin cringelords

Patronising Twat Mike Black Gets Shit On Trying to Prove How Smart He Is

Source: @ecomeddie on Twitter

LinkedIn Lunatics are NPC’s: Confirmed by ChatGPT

Sounds like a former director twat of mine.

Things That Never Happened to LinkedIn Lunatics #342

Be honest Catalina

But that never happened did it Catalina? If it did you’re even more of a lunatic than for doing that than lying about it. “Global Top 100 Women in Tech”, says who?

I’m Global Top 100 Most Handsome Man in Tech btw.

Oh Fuck Off Patrick

Patrick Hsu

Or accelerate off you knob head.

Jesus Wept

LinkedIn Lunatics Hall of Shame July 1, 2024

He’s “synthethizing an extremely intense content”. #pleasetopandrest

LinkedIn Bore Desperately Grasps for B2B Content Ideas

LinkedIn Lunatics Hall of Shame July 1, 2024

Source: Reddit

Top Comment by u/appenz

Epic. Had to check on LinkedIn that this was real and not a joke.

6. 🎾Handling Objections: Even after pricing and negotiations, there may be some resistance. Use this time to assure the other party that they’re making the right decision and will love your product long-term.

Kajol Nails the Content of an Average LinkedIn Story

LinkedIn Lunatics Hall of Shame July 1, 2024

Source – Facebook: Kajol Srinvasan

Wojak in Spirit

tired wojaks

Source – Twitter

Blake with the Satire

idiot loses $3 million

Source – LinkedIn